Sunday, October 28, 2012


     Hi there and welcome to the High Fashion Horde Blog! I am completely new to blogging, but not so new to World of Warcraft. My goal for this blog is to provide players of WoW the inspiration and information needed to dress their toons to the nines. 

     I want to start by saying that I am a Hordie through and through, therefore, all of the pictures of transmogs that I post on here will be of Horde toons. Sorry Alliance players, you will just have to deal with it!
     The next thing I would like to mention is that this blog will be mainly intended for female players and/or toons. I will occasionally post male sets that I think are worthy enough. The transmog sets that I plan on posting will be girly. They will emphasize breasts, navels, and hips. There will be pinks and purples with coordinating weapons....and hair. Oh, and anything that glitters! I personally haven't had much luck finding sites with the above so I decided to just make my own.

     With all that out of the way, I would like to give you some background about myself. I am in my mid-twenties and a stay-at-home Mom. I live with my famazing husband, silly son, and two rowdy dogs. I am currently working on earning my license for Massage Therapy while selling eBay items on the side for extra cash. Between all of that and keeping a household running, I stay quite busy.
      My WoW career falls short these days compared to what it used to be. I only manage to play around 2-3 hours a day. This happens mostly at night after our baby is put down. Most of my game time is dailies, rep grinding, and gathering adorable transmog gear. I raid occasionally when my guild needs an extra helper. I try not to do much of that since I hate bailing if (or when) my son wakes up. I PvP casually since it is not so personal and nobody cares if I bail. I also am an avid collector of companion pets, mounts, and am also an achievement whore.
     My main character is a BM/Surv. Tauren Hunter. I have 2 alts: Blood Elf Rogue & Troll Druid.
My husband's main is a Prot/Fury Tauren Warrior. (We love our Taurens) His alts are Tauren Hunter, Tauren Shaman, and Blood Elf Death Knight. His warrior is his baby and my hunter mine. He is an avid raider and I just fiddle around!
     So there you have it! A post of both our current transmogs will be coming soon!

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